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Lyric Away

Lyric Away

Submitted By Marcelo002 (marcelo002)


Lyric Away

This Applescript uses the lyrics saved in your song information and makes an away message.

To use: Simply put %_lyricaway in your away message.

The output is the song title, the artist, followed by the lyrics

If you want an easy way to get lyrics, use pearLyrics

Version 0.5b:
-If the lyrics are longer than the allowed away message length, the lyrics are cut in half. The first half is presented in the away message during the first half of the song, and the second half is logically shown during the second half of the song.

Version 0.7
-If there is a song with no lyrics, it now shows "Currently Listening to 'songname' by 'artistname'", as requested

Under construction:

-Create an dynamic system so each part of the lyrics is presented as it is in the song. (medium to hard difficulty)
-Regulate how long the lyrics can be in the away message. (easy)
-Add more features ( time remaining, etc) (easy - medium, depending on the feature)

I'm counting on everyone who tests this to recommend features or bug fixes. I think this could be a really cool program once its polished.



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# by zaudragon on 10/07/05 at 19:30:04

The 0.5b system might not work if the first half of the song is instrumental and the second is all lyrical…

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10.74kb (891 downloads)

3.00 / 7 votes
Current Version: 0.7
Last Updated: 11/13/05