The Big Lebowski Quotes |
Submitted By DiscoJoey |
DescriptionLots of qoutes from the movie The Big Lebowski.For a quote from anyone in the movie say /thebig for a quote the dude say /thedude and for a qoute from walter say /walter. note: this is just verion 1.0 and the dude and walter dont have many qoutes yet but /thebig has hundreds. Note: I have no idea what the AIM limit on away messages is, and some of these quotes could go over that limit I suppose. If someone lets me know what that limit is and the best way to overcome it (i.e truncate etc...), and the apporpriate applescript to do so then I'll be happy to update it, but there should be no problems with this script. ^also stole from Michael =D ImagesCommentsYou can reply to individual comments by clicking the "Reply" link next to each. # by on 07/31/05 at 03:18:29These quotes are pretty much copied from the IMDB
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# by Anonymous on 07/23/05 at 13:26:42