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Adiumy Status Icons Classic

Adiumy Status Icons Classic

Submitted By Félix Cloutier (Félix)


As a proof of the ducks being eveywhere, you can now set you contact list's status icons to be Adiumy faces... =)

I made another version of it with the new Adium Icons. You can see it here.

See my others Xtras !
Please rate this Xtra!


1.01 - Made it Xtras Manager Widget-compliant
1.02 - Renamed to "Adiumy Status Icons Classic"



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# by superjeremy3000 on 07/16/05 at 15:39:24

i like it, good job :)

# by lazydesert on 07/18/05 at 01:02:17

These are great and fit well with my lazyPod contact list!

# by Marius_Th on 07/19/05 at 08:14:26

These are the greatest looking status icons i've seen yet :)

# by on 07/21/05 at 00:32:31

How original! Wow!

One suggestion though... why not just make the mobile icon an Adiumy as well? The little wave looks so out of place...

# by DJeMeCouche on 10/17/05 at 22:00:15

I'd actually prefer the little wave, is there any chance I could get the old edition?

# by superjeremy3000 on 07/23/05 at 13:27:21

thats a pretty good update, i think this should be included as packaged with adium :).

one beef is the new message icon, it seems a little ambiguous. anyone else find this?

otherwise, besides gems, this is the longest used status icon pack ive ever used!! (that says alot cuz i switch alot :D )

# by Félix on 07/23/05 at 13:31:55

Glad to see people like this Xtra :D

Maybe I'm going to make another status icon for the New IM, but as I'm going on vacations tomorrow, it might take a while before I update it...

# by asas on 07/27/05 at 13:41:53

my ducks are all upside down, how do i fix this

# by Félix on 08/03/05 at 19:08:35

Reinstall it.

# by drummer_jlt on 10/16/05 at 00:32:34

The icons are great!
Is'it possible to add one with a block sign, like in MSN messenger?

# by Félix on 10/16/05 at 00:34:00

No, sorry, there is no way to make this in the current Adium version.

# by vlbrown on 05/17/06 at 00:30:27

My favorite set!

# by Johnnos on 04/04/07 at 20:30:31

Thanks, now my Adium is 100% duck :)

# by Beaeuge on 04/23/07 at 15:35:28

it's goin popular!! luv it!!!

# by cardozo on 04/07/08 at 23:57:50

Hi could someone help me out please i can only use the green and red ducks none of the other ones come up. Im using Adium 1.2.4.

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11.85kb (55722 downloads)

3.80 / 537 votes
Current Version: 1.02
Last Updated: 05/12/07
Adiumy faces from the author of the default Adium icons :D