
Profile: Adrian (wes2225)

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# by wes2225 on 03/28/06 at 03:28:19

wow, how crazy is it that you've put up a new version this evening (morning?). i understand what you mean about the transparency issues so it makes sense how you have things set up as they are. in case i do want to tinker, how would i go abouts editing the Template.html file and what might i change in there?

thanks in advance and much respect for all your continued work on this most excellent message style!

# by wes2225 on 03/27/06 at 22:40:21

great job and i'm loving the background one gripe is that i wish the chat bubbles were transparent (somewhat) so that more of the background can be seen. does that make any sense? but, yeah, other than that, awesome message style!!!