
Profile: Steve Lawrence (stevel)

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# by stevel on 01/08/13 at 20:22:28

Has anyone got the QQ plugin working? My OS X level is 10.7.5 and the vsn of Adium is 1.5.4 and the vsn of the plugin is 0.9.1
I can set up the account using sz9 server and is 'available' but no one can send a message to me, I am offline to them. Equally although I can set up contacts (and 'get contact info' confirms I've got the right QQID, this contact is always marked as not available even when they are actually online.

# by stevel on 01/02/13 at 18:25:53

I've now been able to add a contact (I've had to create a new group, maybe it was my error before), but I can't save them. So whenever I go offline I lose the group and the contacts within the group. Do I need those contacts to acknowledge my request to add them as a contact before they will become permanent contacts?

# by stevel on 01/02/13 at 12:31:58

Hi. I've installed the plugin and can now sign in with a QQ UID. But I can't add any new contacts, when I try to this Adium quits 'unexpectedly'. My OS level is 10.7.5 and the vsn of Adium is 1.5.4. Can you help?