
Profile: Mohit Diwekar (powerbook.g4)

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# by powerbook.g4 on 02/12/06 at 15:48:28

Nice !! this one looks great...

thanks a lot for your effort !!


# by powerbook.g4 on 11/16/05 at 17:43:06

Pretty kool status icons...i love it..(including the size)...keep up the good work !!

...just wondering if it's possible to make dock icons based on this... just a thought..


# by powerbook.g4 on 11/15/05 at 18:07:37

Hey ! kewl one !! thnx a ton for ur effort...

I was just wondering if you could make it with some kinda background (a colored disk for example) and have it pulsate contantly while online, as sometimes its pretty hard to see it in the dock...also it'll be great to have the symbol size a bit bigger and in some bright colors..

thnx a ton for ur effort...

# by powerbook.g4 on 11/15/05 at 18:03:42

Hey ! kewl one !! thnx a ton for ur effort...

I was just wondering if you could make it with some kinda background (a colored disk for example) as sometimes its pretty hard to see it in the dock...also it'll be great to have Satellae size a bit bigger..
