
Profile: Monique (Monique)

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# by Monique on 06/25/10 at 01:32:55

Thank you muchly! :)

# by Monique on 06/23/10 at 02:56:06

Never mind question 2) - I figured it out! You can't use an image background with group bubbles, only with either normal window or borderless window.

# by Monique on 06/23/10 at 02:48:05

A couple of quick questions:
1) Please let us know what font you used - it's fabulous!

2) Is there any reason I can't apply a background image? (a gif patten I want to tile from the message style package) Maybe some box I was supposed to uncheck or something that I've missed? (The use "Background Image" is checked and still nothing happens)

Love this, well done!