
Profile: Mat Pridham (bcode)

Comment Count 4 comments
2 xtras

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# by bcode on 06/20/06 at 11:35:05

Sorry bdog111, I'm not sure what you mean exactly? As the 4 colors now are camo'd, do you mean a traditional, Army Green/Brown/Black camouflage??

# by bcode on 06/19/06 at 21:31:45

Thanks for the kind words... I'm glad you like it :)

# by bcode on 08/28/05 at 15:11:21

jb you have a very good point, and I like you idea. I have commited to a Paintballer Adiumy next, but perhaps the Strongbadiumy will follow after that.


# by bcode on 08/12/05 at 03:53:26

Thanx dave, I will make sure the connecting series is more distinguishable for V2. Again, any thoughts on improvements are greatly welcomed... Ver. 2 will be that much better thanks to it :)
