
Profile: David Dagson (d_dagson)

Comment Count 7 comments
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# by d_dagson on 09/07/05 at 23:44:27

I had this Idea to but I just haven't had time to finish it :p

Nice work !!!

# by d_dagson on 09/07/05 at 23:42:11

Nice work

# by d_dagson on 08/31/05 at 23:39:02

Nice work... although I don't know why anyone would want the msn look... thats kinda why I'm using adium any way...

# by d_dagson on 05/11/05 at 11:26:54

I like it but the look but it doesn't seam to work... adium cant find it even after I've but it in the right folders... weird!

# by d_dagson on 05/11/05 at 11:14:47

Really nice.. I like it