Profile: Black Leopard (blckleprd)
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# by blckleprd on 01/17/07 at 19:47:15
All fixed, I think. Let me know if there are any more problems.
# by blckleprd on 05/06/06 at 19:44:06
It might. Try uninstalling it and making sure Adium is up to date. Then try again. I'm not having any trouble here, so I'm not usre what it could be.
# by blckleprd on 05/05/06 at 18:48:23
Click the install link on the sidebar of this page, then once it's done installing, go to the events tab in the Adium preferences. Once there, set the two top drop-down menus to "Skype Sounds". That should get them working. Let me know if you have any trouble!
# by blckleprd on 05/18/07 at 22:21:16