
Profile: Marcelo002 (marcelo002)

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# by marcelo002 on 04/08/05 at 18:22:38

no, you have to add the calendar name and the default message you want. Version 2 will let you use all of your calendars as an option. However, version 2 wont be ready till after I finish my papers and projects but before my final exams...

# by marcelo002 on 03/20/05 at 03:41:03

I wanted to credit you earlier, but i forgot who had told me about it. All fixed now, thanks again for the idea

# by marcelo002 on 03/01/05 at 16:48:59

open up the mp3 in quicktime, and use the two little arrows at the beginning of the track to select the portion of the audio that you want (you can also use the shift key). Then just select "Trim" from the edit menu to crop it and then export it to whatever format you want. I have quicktime pro, but I'm not sure if you need it to be able to trim and export.