
Profile: * * (Schubi)

Comment Count 5 comments
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# by Schubi on 12/22/12 at 14:53:40

Thanks for all the time you spend working on this! Much appreciated!

# by Schubi on 12/16/12 at 04:57:17

The plugin only allows to sign in with an QQ number ID - email IDs are not supported. The error message I get is : "Invalid input - The characters you're entering are not valid for an account name on this service." Are there any plans to add this functionality?

# by Schubi on 12/21/08 at 03:37:54

Isn't it possible to fetch the time zone information directly from the Mac OSX address-book? Please also think of daylight savings!

# by Schubi on 07/27/07 at 08:49:40

Hey, interesting concept! I really like the idea of having non AdiumX related symbols in the menubar.

# by Schubi on 07/18/07 at 18:28:25

Mmmh, I changed the description, maybe that will help.