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Hint: Click the file size under "Install" to install the Xtra. Contributor Install Rating
Contact Album (45 Comments)
This plugin stores all icons that your contacts use over time and comes with a viewer for the icons. After installation, the album will slowly fill with icons as your contacts change them. You can open the album viewer with the...
jkreileder 84.9kb
47525 total
4.4 / 440 votes
(Ranking: 3.70)
MSN Plus (218 Comments)
This is a plugin for MSN Service, whose features are: - Filter annoying MSN Plus nicknames tags. The code for filtering these tags was taken from a patch (revised) posted on Adium Trac by Andrea Gianarro - Add support for MSN Custom...
ivendor 83.3kb
107643 total
4.2 / 455 votes
(Ranking: 3.19)
PlainText Plugin (18 Comments)
PlainText Plugin emulates the "Show received message formatting" option that was removed from Adium. This plugin removes bold, italics and underline formatting from incoming messages. It does not touch colors, fonts or outgoing messages.
yanokwa 6.14kb
11838 total
4.2 / 286 votes
(Ranking: 2.95)
YouTube Plugin (32 Comments)
This plugin shows a row of thumbnails after every message containing a youtube link. Clicking on a thumbnail will show the video right inside the chat window. Caveats The video cannot be resized. There is no localization...
xworld21 19.48kb
64245 total
3.9 / 106 votes
(Ranking: 1.82)
Skype (539 Comments)
What more can I say? It's the Skype API protocol plugin for Adium. Lets you bring through your Skype buddies into Adium and chat with them. (Needs Skype to be running to work) More information, source files, recent updates,...
BigBrownChunx 171.89kb
251564 total
3.6 / 914 votes
(Ranking: 1.78)
NateOn Service Plugin (27 Comments)
it's NateOn service plugin for Adium. NateOn IM network is widely used in south korea. this plugin allows you chat with NateOn buddies in Adium. more info: official IM : nateon purple plugin &...
mario 101.11kb
12571 total
3.9 / 91 votes
(Ranking: 1.76)
Sort by Log Size Plugin (42 Comments)
This plugin adds the option to sort your contact list by log file size. The result is that the contacts you talk to most float to the top of your contact list. This is an open-source project; the source (and issue list and...
jon.chambers 14.84kb
12200 total
3.9 / 84 votes
(Ranking: 1.73)
Adinline (11 Comments)
Adinline adds images inline with the chats so you can see them without having to open them in the browse. Why did I make this? Safari for me is made for to look at webpages, not images, I usually have many tabs open looking for...
GRMrGecko 10.99kb
17334 total
3.9 / 55 votes
(Ranking: 1.57)
Xblaze (10 Comments)
Latest version and details always available at: Requires Adium 1.4 ( and Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard or later Xblaze is a plugin for Adium that allows you access to Xfire to chat to...
jasarien 5.74mb
3958 total
4.0 / 25 votes
(Ranking: 1.40)
Ingamium (43 Comments)
Ingamium is a plugin for the free chat client Adium. It allows you to receive messages and reply to them while playing a game without leaving fullscreen mode or quitting the game. YouŽll simply see the messages on top of the game and in...
Fl0ri4n 209.67kb
6801 total
3.9 / 29 votes
(Ranking: 1.32)
Fix Your Last Input (21 Comments)
Fix typos by writing Perl regular expression substitutions like s/tyop/typo/g . Sending a message comprising a substitution will output your previous message with this correction applied. Actually uses Perl behind the scenes, so it...
malesca 7.12kb
9470 total
3.7 / 60 votes
(Ranking: 1.24)
Address Book Tooltips Additions (16 Comments)
Address Book Tooltips Additions makes Adium display phone numbers and addresses in your tooltips for contacts who have associated AB cards.
ofri 8.11kb
19711 total
3.6 / 89 votes
(Ranking: 1.17)
LaTeX Plugin (16 Comments)
Adium 1.0.6 saw the removal of the LaTeX plugin. Here is an Xtras form of it. See the Adium Wiki for how to get this plugin working. The source for this plugin can be found in the Adium SVN repository . If you want to...
zacw 7.74kb
7290 total
3.6 / 44 votes
(Ranking: 0.99)
AndroidStatusPlugin (6 Comments)
A plugin which marks GTalk contacts who use Android clients as mobile. Android phones include the word 'android' or 'MessagingA' in the Jabber resource they use. This plugin finds this and marks contacts accordingly as shown in the...
yuzawa-san 6.38kb
2473 total
3.8 / 13 votes
(Ranking: 0.89)
Tlen Service (27 Comments)
This plugin adds support for the Polish IM network. It is compatible with Adium 1.2.1. has about 1.5 million users in Poland, and is the second most popular IM network in the country. See for more info...
krzysiek 150.12kb
6906 total
3.4 / 81 votes
(Ranking: 0.76)
Steam IM (32 Comments)
Steam IM protocol support for Adium. Thanks to the developer of the pidgin-opensteamworks project . This version of the plugin uses the steam mobile API, so the Steam application is not required. Source code available here .
Hermi 52.18kb
8626 total
3.4 / 46 votes
(Ranking: 0.67)
Auto Split (3 Comments)
Auto Split does exactly what it's name says: It auto-splits long messages. Architectures supported: Intel 32/64-bit, no PPC, sorry Source Code:
dapetcu21 15.74kb
1467 total
3.5 / 17 votes
(Ranking: 0.62)
Studi/MeinVZ Chat (89 Comments)
This is the first public beta of a plugin for the much requested "Plauderkasten" of Unfortunately, since they have not opened their API yet, the only way that I found for implementing it, is by using the gateway...
[Tee]derDoc[DMC] 597.32kb
10365 total
3.3 / 67 votes
(Ranking: 0.55) Now Playing Plugin (5 Comments)
Allows to display the track playing currently at in a status message of the account(s) (similar to what standard iTunes status does). Tested on Adium 1.4.3. Context and edit menus to insert currently playing track info into...
courteouselk 73.59kb
1356 total
3.5 / 12 votes
(Ranking: 0.54)
AdiURLShortener (11 Comments)
AdiURLShortener is a plugin that shortens long URLs so you won't see walls of text anymore! least not underlined blue ones! Only URLS starting with either http:// or https:// are shortened. You can tune the plugin in the...
micheleb 55.06kb
637 total
3.5 / 11 votes
(Ranking: 0.52)
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