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AppleScripts searching for "os" [x]

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Hint: Click the file size under "Install" to install the Xtra. Contributor Install Rating
EyeTVStatus (7 Comments)
The script is mainly used under status. It will display what you are watching, the channel (no number) and the next show coming up! To use: %_ETS (or if you are not so lazy, Edit > Insert Script > EyeTVStatus) Examples:...
LtRammstein 11.92kb
655 total
4.6 / 10 votes
(Ranking: 1.60)
Status Message: AOL Radio (1 Comments)
Well this is a very little script based on the script iTunes Current Track - Status Message created by Andreas Jon Grote . Sometimes instead of just playing the iTunes I like to listen to the AOL radio . So I just modified the...
webby 18.13kb
542 total
4.5 / 11 votes
(Ranking: 1.56)
LazyLinks (3 Comments)
This is a very simple plugin that allows you to easily make links to topics. I created this b/c I'm always talking to a friend and need to send links to various places and I haven't actually visited those pages so this makes it a bit...
aethiolas 18.85kb
404 total
5.0 / 6 votes
(Ranking: 1.56)
Adium iTunes Controller (91 Comments)
AiTC 3.9 was recently featured in MacWorld April 2005 Issue's 100 Greatest Freeware for Mac CD, along with Adium X! Version: 4.1 Control iTunes from Adium using text commands! List of Features includes: Randomly Choose a...
Reikon 275.82kb
40302 total
3.6 / 371 votes
(Ranking: 1.54)
Random (Vin Diesel, Chuck Norris, Mr. T) Fact Generator (12 Comments)
You've seen them before: random (ludicrous, offensive, and hilarious) "facts" about everyone's favorite celebrities from . Now, just type %_vin, %_chuck, %_mrt, and %_all to get a random fact about Vin Diesel, Chuck Norris, Mr. T,...
ajenko 4.34kb
2515 total
4.1 / 20 votes
(Ranking: 1.43)
DontIgnoreAdium (10 Comments)
If you get an instant message in Adium, but you've got some other app open (like a webbrowser, finder window, etc.) in front of it, this script will wait a couple minutes, then throw up a Growl sticky telling you not to ignore Adium....
flawless 3.84kb
1794 total
4.4 / 10 votes
(Ranking: 1.40)
The Big Lebowski Quotes (6 Comments)
Lots of qoutes from the movie The Big Lebowski. For a quote from anyone in the movie say /thebig for a quote the dude say /thedude and for a qoute from walter say /walter . note: this is just verion 1.0 and the dude and walter...
DiscoJoey 22.19kb
3286 total
3.8 / 55 votes
(Ranking: 1.39)
Chocolate Starfish (1 Comments)
Tired of letting your friends know what ho-hum music you are currently listening to? Well now with Chocolate Starfish you can pretend you are listening to the worst music imaginable! Dazzle your friends with music so horrible it's...
quinnchr 7.78kb
573 total
4.2 / 14 votes
(Ranking: 1.38)
Atheist (1 Comments)
This script randomly generates one of fifty athiest quotes from various historical and philosophical figures from throughout history including Einstein, Nietzsche, Hawking, Voltaire, Hitchens and various others. This script may perhaps...
oilhockey 11.23kb
789 total
4.3 / 11 votes
(Ranking: 1.35)
Slap (1 Comments)
This is a script that generates a random slap to hit the person you're chatting to. This is a piece of Fun, not at all serious... Format: I [action] {name} [prep] [adjective] [object] . [action] - verb e.g.: kills, slaps, hits...
ashe613 8.24kb
2164 total
4.6 / 7 votes
(Ranking: 1.35)
deliciousAdium (0 Comments)
This script pulls the most recent links from any delicious user every few hours. To show the text, type %delicious where you want the links to appear. After installing, you should edit the number of links, user, and frequency of...
yanokwa 9.08kb
297 total
4.6 / 7 votes
(Ranking: 1.35)
Random Work Sayings (6 Comments)
This is a little Applescript that is good to use in your away message and profile. Just type in /randomWork and one of the sayings from HERE . Might add more later, but for now this is it. I'll be working on a movie quote one for...
evil0ne 19.22kb
2116 total
3.7 / 69 votes
(Ranking: 1.29)
Logshare (0 Comments)
Takes a chat transcript, passes it through Logshare's magic [, in Spanish but intuitive] and copies the URL into the clipboard. Commands: - /ls_this : Logsharizes the whole current chat log. - /ls_paste : Logsharizes...
Harad 11.29kb
530 total
4.4 / 8 votes
(Ranking: 1.26)
Firefly Random Quotes (6 Comments)
Greetings to all Browncoat Adium users! I hacked this little script from the Star Trek: TOS Random Quotes script (just to get the enclosing AppleScript for the quotes), and included almost all the Firefly and Serenity quotes on...
gnosis 26.17kb
1225 total
4.1 / 14 votes
(Ranking: 1.26)
Pickup LInes (0 Comments)
This program randomly generates pickup lines, great when your hitting on someone and run out of lame things to say... warning use of pickup lines is at your own risk, may cause virtual slaps to the face or worse... There are over a...
oilhockey 12.26kb
522 total
4.8 / 5 votes
(Ranking: 1.26)
Parti Rhinocéros Random Facts (1 Comments)
La version non traduite de Rhinoceros Party Generator. Les facts ont été prises deéros. La commande pour afficher la fact est /rhino. Have Fun :)
Agurri 9.13kb
137 total
5.0 / 4 votes
(Ranking: 1.20)
Card Dealer (0 Comments)
What is it? I saw somebody wrote a dice roller, so I thought it would be fun to have a random card dealer too. If you download this and my Deck-O-Cards Emoticon Pack (not required, though), you can have fun dealing out a lousy...
RR_GraphixGuy 25.53kb
1114 total
4.1 / 12 votes
(Ranking: 1.19)
Roger Quotes (0 Comments)
Generate Roger quotes from American Dad!
xilantro 4.3kb
650 total
4.4 / 7 votes
(Ranking: 1.18)
Globalcast (2 Comments)
I take no credit for this - I just followed the instructions given by evands ! This script will send a message to all your currently online contacts. Simply use /global{message here} to activate it! Warnings! This does NO...
ecable 5.58kb
543 total
4.3 / 8 votes
(Ranking: 1.17)
Owe RIAA (35 Comments)
Joke script that tells you and others how much you owe the RIAA. Updates: -Requires iTunes to be open to use -Prompts to open iTunes if it's not already open -Allows you to choose from the playlist you want to count To use:...
Reikon 11.85kb
1981 total
3.7 / 47 votes
(Ranking: 1.17)
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