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Dock Icons by user Tovarizzle [x]

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Hint: Click the file size under "Install" to install the Xtra. Install Rating
The Palantir of Adium (v2.0) (21 Comments)
Listening to the Lord of the Rings Soundtrack, I was inspired to make a LOTR Themed Adium Iconset. After a little brainstorming and a little Photoshopping, this is what I came up with. I hope my fellow LOTR fans will enjoy it, and as...
24281 total
3.9 / 275 votes
(Ranking: 2.20)
HAL 9000 (8 Comments)
After seeing Daniel Grenell's "HAL" Dock Icon set, I decided to use the same idea to make my first icon set and to test my icon animation skills. Here's the result! I'm not trying to step on any toes by releasing this, I'm just...
19906 total
3.9 / 270 votes
(Ranking: 2.19)
El Presidente! (13 Comments)
I'm not entirely sure why I made this iconset, but it just sounded like a good idea at the time. I just made the cute little Presidente Duck, and decided to use the standard Adium animations, seeing as how I didn't have any better ideas...
9055 total
3.9 / 161 votes
(Ranking: 1.99)
'Sting' for Adium (11 Comments)
A Unique Elven blade, light enough for a small, juggling duck to wield, while still packing a punch capable of messaging even the strongest of Orcs. This is yet another Lord of the Rings themed Iconset, inspired by rewatching "The...
1790 total
3.7 / 76 votes
(Ranking: 1.32)
The Light of E?dium (8 Comments)
The Light of E?dium Icon Set is designed to give brave, adventurous Adium Users a star to guide them in their darkest hour. I decided that I needed to counterbalance the dark and evil Palantir set with something bright and magical, and...
1405 total
3.4 / 79 votes
(Ranking: 0.76)
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