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Miscellaneous searching for "os" [x]

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Hint: Click the file size under "Install" to install the Xtra. Contributor Install Rating
Trillian2Adium (6 Comments)
Trillian2Adium - Convert Trillian logs to Adium transcripts by Tim Steinbach aka NeQuissimus 1. Purpose 2. How-To 3. Credits 1. What is its purpose? A lot of people have...
NeQuissimus 178.51kb
2515 total
3.5 / 25 votes
(Ranking: 0.70)
Quicksilver action for changing status and sending messages (14 Comments)
inspired by 1. Unpack the zip and copy the applescript file to “~/Library/Application Support/Quicksilver/Actions” (you might have to create the “Actions” folder). 2. Restart...
vovasty 8.68kb
2737 total
3.6 / 17 votes
(Ranking: 0.74)
Adium Xtra Updater (29 Comments)
This is a script that I wrote that automatically scans all installed Xtras and searches the Xtras site for updates, if there are any. It tells you what version it thinks you have installed for each extra, as well as the version of the...
impiaa 2.44kb
13685 total
3.3 / 60 votes
(Ranking: 0.53)
The dock icon template (0 Comments)
This is the template that you will use, when you want to create a simple dock icon with online, offline, away and alert icon options. The dock-icon making manual: 1st - Get all the pictures you want to use !!!Only in PNG!!! (use...
776jvacek 693b
1262 total
2.5 / 13 votes
(Ranking: -0.56)
Style Extract (4 Comments)
Style Extract is a very simple small application that lets you take your current contact list theme and layout and turn them into full-fledged working Xtras, placing them on your desktop, allowing you to upload them here easily. This...
Félix 95.1kb
5083 total
3.7 / 50 votes
(Ranking: 1.19)
Gnome's Set (8 Comments)
So, here is my remixed set (full of Somatic style). My Set: 1. Simply Smooth Message Style (with modified Purple/Green style) (Aqueous) 2. Fresh! Contact List (Boramor) 3. Somatic Dots Status Icons 4. Slightly Modified...
BlackandWhitePenguin 298.89kb
1486 total
2.3 / 20 votes
(Ranking: -0.91)
Spookster's Set (21 Comments)
Posting sets seems to be the new trend around here, so I thought I'd follow along for once and here's mine: Zelda(Ocarina of Time) - Spookster Edit soundset by zombihunter (only changed sound usage, nothing else) Msn Animated...
Spookster 1.32mb
1749 total
2.3 / 28 votes
(Ranking: -1.01)
Mango's Set (6 Comments)
I suppose this should be called Gnome's Set now...but that would be confusing, so we don't talk about it much.... Some time ago I saw someone (now known to be ispytonyv) who had submitted the set of Xtras they use, sadly that has...
BlackandWhitePenguin 567.78kb
3704 total
2.8 / 48 votes
(Ranking: -0.34)
Adium Dock preview (3 Comments)
Fr Une petite application Automator pour faciliter la création des images de description. Utilisation: Glisser-déplacer simplement les images (formats psd, png, jpg ...) vers l'application. Ouvrir le fichier pdf créé (sur le...
Thibaud 77.27kb
1787 total
2.8 / 30 votes
(Ranking: -0.30)
Adium Growl Style (11 Comments)
My first extra! This a Growl Style for Adium. Nothing more to say! Please post comments and suggestions so I can improve this Growl style.
DeathAxe 27.34kb
6683 total
3.1 / 58 votes
(Ranking: 0.18)
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