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Hint: Click the file size under "Install" to install the Xtra. Contributor Install Rating
dotAdiumEmoticonSet Creator (18 Comments)
You can create your set of emoticons easily with this application! WARNING: You could find some bugs, but don't worry, this is a beta version! I'll fix them very soon. This software is FREEWARE :)
alecocco 203.54kb
4504 total
3.9 / 50 votes
(Ranking: 1.53)
Style Extract (4 Comments)
Style Extract is a very simple small application that lets you take your current contact list theme and layout and turn them into full-fledged working Xtras, placing them on your desktop, allowing you to upload them here easily. This...
Félix 95.1kb
5081 total
3.7 / 50 votes
(Ranking: 1.19)
Quicksilver action for changing status and sending messages (14 Comments)
inspired by 1. Unpack the zip and copy the applescript file to “~/Library/Application Support/Quicksilver/Actions” (you might have to create the “Actions” folder). 2. Restart...
vovasty 8.68kb
2736 total
3.6 / 17 votes
(Ranking: 0.74)
Trillian2Adium (6 Comments)
Trillian2Adium - Convert Trillian logs to Adium transcripts by Tim Steinbach aka NeQuissimus 1. Purpose 2. How-To 3. Credits 1. What is its purpose? A lot of people have...
NeQuissimus 178.51kb
2512 total
3.5 / 25 votes
(Ranking: 0.70)
Adium Dock preview (3 Comments)
Fr Une petite application Automator pour faciliter la création des images de description. Utilisation: Glisser-déplacer simplement les images (formats psd, png, jpg ...) vers l'application. Ouvrir le fichier pdf créé (sur le...
Thibaud 77.27kb
1787 total
2.8 / 30 votes
(Ranking: -0.30)
The dock icon template (0 Comments)
This is the template that you will use, when you want to create a simple dock icon with online, offline, away and alert icon options. The dock-icon making manual: 1st - Get all the pictures you want to use !!!Only in PNG!!! (use...
776jvacek 693b
1262 total
2.5 / 13 votes
(Ranking: -0.56)
colr list style maker (1 Comments)
This extra is a script that, given a query, takes colors from colr and creates an Adium Contact List theme. It's obviously not perfect, but it makes a good starting point for your own list themes. It also randomizes it's color choices,...
impiaa 1.78kb
1044 total
2.3 / 12 votes
(Ranking: -0.76)
Launchbar Status Update (0 Comments)
An attempt to create a script for Launchbar to update Adium's status and personalized message Two versions. Same result but a little different means: - The first version includes a popup box. You enter Adium Away, Enter and get a...
jacoblo 25.83kb
808 total
2.0 / 6 votes
(Ranking: -0.78)
kuler list style maker (0 Comments)
This extra is a script that, given a query, looks for a theme from kuler and creates an Adium Contact List theme. It's obviously not perfect, but it makes a good starting point for your own list themes. It also randomizes it's color...
impiaa 1.67kb
399 total
1.7 / 6 votes
(Ranking: -1.01)
Quicksilver plugin set/back from away (2 Comments)
Hello, I wrote a couple of Quicksilver plugins to support setting away and back on all accounts on Adium 1.2+. Just unpack the zip and copy the applescript files to “~/Library/Application Support/Quicksilver/Actions”, you might...
Trouts 2.87kb
1180 total
1.7 / 17 votes
(Ranking: -1.60)
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