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Hint: Click the file size under "Install" to install the Xtra. Contributor Install Rating
Monkey Monkey Monkey! (5 Comments)
I found this monkeys to be soooo funny - I needed to create emoticon set myself including almost all of these: Thanks to the creator - whoever he/she might be! :D If you like it,...
takeo 417.91kb
24806 total
4.1 / 191 votes
(Ranking: 2.51)
Onion Head (17 Comments)
Package with virtually all the emoticons created by Onion Club. Look below for a small preview.
pigaz 989.37kb
29940 total
4.1 / 137 votes
(Ranking: 2.35)
EmotiPonies (6 Comments)
Because ponies make everything better. FiM Mane 6 plus 7 more familiar faces! Set of 42 covers a wide range of facial expressions. Please note that EmotiPonies are larger than standard emoticons, measuring 27 x 27 pixels each. Enjoy!
peterpanswendy 611.14kb
2723 total
4.3 / 54 votes
(Ranking: 2.25)
MonkeyGirl (2 Comments)
Monkey Girl based on this set: Thanks to the Creator. More Monkeys from User takeo: Have a nice day atomix64
atomix64 303.45kb
2952 total
4.3 / 54 votes
(Ranking: 2.25)
Monkey Icons: REFINED! (5 Comments)
I HAVE MADE MY VERY 1st XTRA... SORTA :D Well Takeo did pretty much all the work but i wasn't happy... the codes to activate each icon happened to be to long and my PC friends are like WTF when i send them monkeyangrrry, so i re-did the...
CodeTaco 399.53kb
8395 total
4.4 / 35 votes
(Ranking: 2.16)
Adiumy Emoticons (9 Comments)
This is a smiley set that matches the Adiumy Dock icon. I want to say right from the start, I had nothing at all to do with this set's creation... they were all the superb work of Adam Betts. *note: submitted with author's permission...
ispytonyv 70.71kb
37697 total
3.8 / 483 votes
(Ranking: 2.15)
Special marks (1 Comments)
Innovative punctuation marks created by Alcanter de Brahm (see here ) : irony point, doubt point, certitude point, acclamation point, authority point, indignation point, and love point.
Tael_ 5.27kb
1736 total
4.8 / 12 votes
(Ranking: 1.94)
Msn Restyle (4 Comments)
I recreated all 78 emoticons with a slight more Mac-look. They're all .png's so you can use them on any background. Not all of them are exact the way I want them but feel free to make changes. All of them are 20 pixels high, so they...
n8n 873.43kb
11642 total
4.0 / 85 votes
(Ranking: 1.93)
Opiummmm Foxxies (12 Comments)
I have always liked the foxxies emoticons, and since no one created the pack, I did... I don't know who to contact to ask permission, therefore the plist includes the URL where I took the emoticons... If you want to modify the pack...
D14852001neko 7.43kb
3832 total
4.1 / 42 votes
(Ranking: 1.79)
Vaultboy Emoticons (8 Comments)
I really like the vaultboy (pipboy, falloutboy) from the Fallout series so i decided to to do some cutting and pasting to create a package of emoticons with the vaultboy. If there are any emotes that you feel that i have missed please...
prinsen 429.54kb
3052 total
3.9 / 40 votes
(Ranking: 1.44)
Classic Mac 2.0 (8 Comments)
Ok, here's an emoticon pack made up of some variations of the "Happy Mac" that Mac users saw when bootin up their Mac prior to the release of Jaguar. It's my first Xtra that I've submitted so, comments/ cronstructive criticism would be...
celebi23 12.23kb
3832 total
3.9 / 36 votes
(Ranking: 1.40)
Full iChat (0 Comments)
These are the unmodified iChat icons found in Snow Leopard. The names have been kept the same as on iChat, and so have the shortcuts. There have been previous attempts to do this but all have either changed the name of the icon or the...
Edson.ajj 274.83kb
760 total
5.0 / 5 votes
(Ranking: 1.40)
Emoji Pack (1 Comments)
Compatibility pack to display Emoji icons from iPhone messages inside of Adium. This also allows the use of the icons from the drop down menu, though it is a bit of a mess. The primary purpose of this pack is for sending and receiving...
aquadood 530.89kb
3808 total
4.0 / 25 votes
(Ranking: 1.40)
phpBB 2 Emoticons (12 Comments)
phpBB 2 Emoticons come to Adium. (I take no credit for the creation of the actual Emoticons) All original commands for the emoticons are there. (Ex: :lol: makes the lol smiley)
Reikon 13.22kb
4535 total
3.5 / 257 votes
(Ranking: 1.20)
Manto Emoticons (2 Comments)
Based uppon this: The icons are not mine, just loved them and decided to create an emoticon pack for Adium.
liznedarierref 355.9kb
2881 total
3.9 / 16 votes
(Ranking: 1.08)
Felt Tip Retouched (2 Comments)
This Emoticonset is based on the icons from Felt Tip Retouched (created initially for GAIM ). The icons were designed and drwan by Chromakode (check the link for his other great art). Therefore, the credits and recognition should go...
xmanoel 56.69kb
2842 total
3.8 / 19 votes
(Ranking: 1.02)
Emoticons for the commonly uncommon (0 Comments)
Will be updated eventually. My goal is to have an emoticon for every possible situation lol This one has mostly anime pictures I have gathered from google...but I'll be creating more random ones in the future^^ These are useful,...
CatNipSoup 677.27kb
467 total
5.0 / 3 votes
(Ranking: 0.95)
Doodleish small (1 Comments)
I was dreading the fact that I was going to have to create another .plist to do some emoticons when a miracle happend. There on the front page of was dotAdiumEmoticonSet Creator by alecocco! It worked wonderfully allowing...
slynoxfox 143.08kb
1958 total
3.8 / 15 votes
(Ranking: 0.94)
Moody fox (1 Comments)
A set of icons featuring a fox created by Tani from Germany at They're 90x90 and quite amusing.
gingherslayr 119kb
919 total
3.9 / 11 votes
(Ranking: 0.94)
Smellies (7 Comments)
Smellies are one of the nicer, cooler, emoticon styles based on a creature appearing in Marko and Olier's French heroic-fantasy comic series Agence Barbare . These little creatures can be really cute but unfortunately fart a lot.
imajes 231.38kb
6898 total
3.4 / 195 votes
(Ranking: 0.92)
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